STAGING Challenges and Events - British Rowing

Challenges and Events

Take on a rowing challenge, join a league or enter an event to help bring focus to your workouts.



Indoor rowing events and challenges already take place in gyms, schools and sports clubs across the UK.

Find out how you can get involved.

Challenges, Leagues & ClubsCharity & Workplace ChallengesEvent Calendar
Challenges and Events_homepage2bThe Great Row is an individual or team indoor rowing challenge, which Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE is supporting.entries-now-open
Try an online challenge, join a league or an indoor rowing club.The perfect way to get active in the workplace or raise money for charity. Find an indoor rowing event near you. All abilities are welcome.

Challenges and Events_homepage2b
Try an online challenge, join a league or an indoor rowing club.
The Great Row is an individual or team indoor rowing challenge, which Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE is supporting.
The perfect way to get active in the workplace or raise money for charity.
Find an indoor rowing event near you. All abilities are welcome.