STAGING Contact Us and Sign In - British Rowing

Contact Us and Sign In

Contact British Rowing, sign in to our online tools or visit our shop

How to Contact British Rowing

Email addresses and, in some cases, direct phone numbers, for different functions within British Rowing.

Contact Us

British Rowing Membership Portal

Log in to your account to manage your British Rowing membership and access your membership benefits.

Manage My Account

Online Entries (BROE2)

Make entries for your club or manage the entries for your competition.

Log in to BROE2


Log in to RowHow, our online library of self-led learning resources and course materials.

Log In to RowHow


Manage your club’s affiliation, update contacts, manage your membership and more.

Log In to ClubHub

Report a Concern

Report a safety incident, safeguarding concern or anti-doping concern.

Report a Concern

Visit the British Rowing Shop

Buy British Rowing Merchandise.

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