STAGING Organising Competitions - British Rowing

Organising Competitions

Whatever type of competition you are looking to organise, we’ve got advice to help you run it

Affiliating your competition to British Rowing

The National Competition Committee has pulled together helpful guidance on how to apply for affiliation for a new event and on the approval process for the annual racing calendar. This guidance also contains essential information about how regatta and head race organisers apply to change the date of their event.

Download the Guidance

If you would like to affiliate an event to British Rowing, please download and complete the application form and email to

Download the Application Form

Competition Affiliation Fee

An annual fee is payable whether or not the competition is held. From 1 April 2023, this is £182 (VAT exempt). We currently offer a discount to competitions that don’t run, bringing the charge down to £61. If you accept online entry fee payments via BROE2, the affiliation charge can be deducted from these monies before they are passed on to you.

Competition Organisers’ Manual

The Competition Organisers’ Manual provides an outline guide to running a successful regatta or head race – from forming an efficient Organising Committee to notifying the authorities whose permission will be necessary.

We’ve also provided information about how to effectively publicise your competition, as well as a number of real-life examples to illustrate best practice in setting up, running and wrapping up the event.

Download the manual

Supporting documents

Clean Sport Toolkit for Competition Organisers 2021 v2

Competition Organisation Schematic – showing key people and responsibilities for any competition

Example Competition Poster

Example Competition Risk Assessment 

Example Competition Risk Management Plan

Example Safety Plan

Example Welfare Statement and Policy
(Appendix 4 of Safeguarding Handbook 3 – Clubs, Training and Competition guidance)

Example Marshalls’ Instructions

Example Information sheet for competitors

Example Information sheet for spectators

Example Volunteer Plan

Example Programme

Guidelines for Responding to Major Incidents and Competitions and Managing their Aftermath

Drone guidelines


Affiliated competitions are covered by British Rowing’s combined liability insurance. You can download a copy of the summary of cover here.

Adaptive rowing events

If you are a Competition Organiser for British Rowing Para-Rowing or adaptive events, then please see this important document highlighting adatptive rowing safety advice.

Adaptive Rowing Safety Guidance

More in this section

Competition Organisers' Documents

Some of these documents require action, others are for guidance

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Schools' Indoor Rowing

The following guidance explains how to organise an inter-school indoor rowing competition as part of the School Games programme.

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Submit Competition Contact Details

Use this form to let British Rowing know how to contact your competition's Secretary, Entries Secretary and Treasurer

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