STAGING Be a Volunteer - British Rowing

Volunteer in rowing

Volunteering is a great way to participate in the sport without being a rower. It’s an opportunity to give back to the community and to make friends.


Volunteering can be hugely rewarding for many reasons, be it the camaraderie gained from doing something with others, to the recognised invaluable benefit to the sport. It is no surprise that people earn a great deal of fulfilment from giving something to the community and take pride in doing so.

Beyond these benefits, people also find themselves with more self-confidence and also equipped with additional skills to help them with either their professional or personal lives.

Register your interest here and begin your volunteering journey!

Why volunteers pledge their time to rowing

“Rowing has in spades the physical and mental benefits that I think comes from involvement in sport – the discipline, the team work and camaraderie. Just great people!”

Fiona Rennie, BUCS Rowing Advisory Group Chairman

“To give back to a sport that gave and taught me so much as a junior. Ensuring that today’s athletes continue to have a safe, fair and equal platform to compete and reach goals.

I enjoy the buzz, the athletes, the great friends and our great sport.”

Nick Hubble, Peterborough City Rowing Club, British Rowing Regional Representative

Clubs and events are the lifeblood of rowing – and Guin Batten, Olympic medallist, has called the volunteers who run them ‘our dream-makers’. Without the dedication and passion of these people our sport would not be as successful as it is today.

Volunteers are always needed by clubs and events to keep them running and in many cases to ensure that they grow and develop as well. There are always volunteering opportunities for adults in rowing. These range from boat maintenance to regatta entries, helping at functions to clearing the landing stage. These essential jobs have to be done by someone – could it be you?


Volunteering at a club

Whatever your existing skills, they’re likely to be valuable at a club. Many clubs now have volunteer co-ordinators to ensure that all the volunteering roles in the club are properly defined and that there are people to fill them. Some roles can often be broken down into more manageable chunks and shared between a number of people. Just ask your club secretary if there is something you could do!

On top of this, you could put yourself forward as a candidate for a post on your club’s committee.

For more information on the types of roles that might be available, see the Club Volunteer Roles page.

Volunteering at competitions

There are always opportunities to get involved at the many competitions happening around the country. This could be at a local regatta or at one of the larger, national competitions.

Larger competitions are always on the look-out for enthusiastic volunteers, so register your interest and be the first to find out about upcoming opportunities!

…always on the look-out for enthusiastic volunteers!


Have you ever considered becoming an umpire? This is an essential volunteer roles at competitions throughout the year. Visit the Umpire page to find out more about training to become an umpire.


Many rowing coaches and coaching assistants are volunteers. Find out more about coaching development resources and courses here.

Connect with other volunteers

Join our Volunteers’ Facebook group to ask questions, share your experience and meet other volunteers

If you would like to put something back into your sport, visit the contacts page on your local club’s website or email who will be able to offer advice.

More in this section

Club Volunteer Roles

Outlined here are some of the roles that a club may need to fill.

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