STAGING ROW31 Workout Archive - British Rowing

ROW31 Workout Archive

If you want to run through the ROW31 programme again, or want to check out a particular session you really enjoyed, we’ve got them listed for you below!


ICYMI! We’ve linked to the workout of the day for 2023 below:

Week 1

  • Day 1 (Sunday 1 January) – Go Row Indoor low impact workout
  • Day 2 (Monday 2 January) – Go Row Indoor pyramid workout
  • Day 3 (Tuesday 3 January) – Live workout #1
  • Day 4 (Wednesday 4 January) – 20 minutes max distance row
  • Day 5 (Thursday 5 January) – Core workout #1
  • Day 6 (Friday 6 January) – 3 x 12 minutes steady state row
  • Day 7 (Saturday 7 January) – Rest day

Week 2

  • Day 8 (Sunday 8 January) – 4.5km interval row
  • Day 9 (Monday 9 January) – Go Row Indoor tabata workout
  • Day 10 (Tuesday 10 January) – Live workout #2
  • Day 11 (Wednesday 11 January) – 30 minutes rate 20
  • Day 12 (Thursday 12 January) – Core workout #2
  • Day 13 (Friday 13 January) – 6 x 3 mins on, 3 mins off
  • Day 14 (Saturday 14 January) – Rest day

Week 3

  • Day 15 (Sunday 15 January) – 2 x 10 minutes at 24spm
  • Day 16 (Monday 16 January) – Go Row Indoor 30-minute workout
  • Day 17 (Tuesday 17 January) – Live workout #3
  • Day 18 (Wednesday 18 January) – Whole body workout #1
  • Day 19 (Thursday 19 January) – Core workout #3
  • Day 20 (Friday 20 January) – 3 x 5 mins on, 90s off
  • Day 21 (Saturday 21 January) – Rest day

Week 4

  • Day 22 (Sunday 22 January) – 10 x 200m on, 1 min off
  • Day 23 (Monday 23 January) – Go Row Indoor advanced workout
  • Day 24 (Tuesday 24 January) – Live workout #4
  • Day 25 (Wednesday 25 January) – Whole body workout #2
  • Day 26 (Thursday 26 January) – Core workout #4
  • Day 27 (Friday 27 January) – 8 x 2 mins on, 1 min off
  • Day 28 (Saturday 28 January) – Rest day

Week 5

  • Day 29 (Sunday 29 January) – Whole body workout #3
  • Day 30 (Monday 30 January) – Go Row Indoor interval workout
  • Day 31 (Tuesday 31 January) – Final live workout

If you’ve got any questions, just fire us an email on