STAGING Smooth crossing from Dover to Calais - British Rowing

Smooth crossing from Dover to Calais

Image of boys landing at Sangatte Beach

A group of five young boys successfully rowed across the English Channel from Dover to Calais, raising £4300 for the charity ‘Help for Heroes’.

The boys, mostly from Taunton School, completed the smooth crossing under good weather conditions on Tuesday 19 April in 5 hours 44 minutes.


An outstanding achievement for the crew, with an average age of fifteen, as they have only been learning to row since January, mostly on Wimbleball Lake but also on the sea at Plymouth and Minehead.
The boys used the Celtic Longboat (with sliding seats) from Minehead Sailing and Watersports Club and additional rowing equipment from Wimbleball Rowing Club. The boys are hoping for a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest crew to row across the Channel.

Press release
David Godfrey