STAGING Weyfarers making it even easier to take up rowing - British Rowing

Weyfarers making it even easier to take up rowing

The Mayor of Elmbridge with John Turnbull

On Sunday 11th September, Weyfarers Rowing Club welcomed The Mayor of Elmbridge, Councillor John Sheldon, The Lady Mayoress and Councillor Mrs. Jan Fuller (Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Culture) to the official launching of its new Swift training double scull.

The cost of the boat was covered by an extremely generous grant from Sport England of £8,300 using funds from the National Lottery. This allowed, additionally, the purchase of ten pairs of Braca sculls, a set of riggers for an existing fine four and replacement riggers for a touring double.


Weyfarers had a special motive for inviting Councillor Sheldon in that he is a very keen sculler himself and readily accepted the invitation to christen the boat and go out in it for its first ever “paddle”. He was accompanied at bow by John Turnbull, co-founder and current chairman of Weyfarers Rowing Club.

Helping to achieve a safe and successful boating off were Graham Cocks and Roy Miller, respectively Treasurer and Captain of Weyfarers.  Keen not to miss out on the action, Councillor Jan Fuller accepted the invitation to view the progress of the boat from the coaching launch – ably piloted by Caroline Turnbull, who runs Weyfarers’ adult beginners rowing courses.

Councillor Sheldon gave a hearty thumbs up to the feel of the boat, saying that such a training boat could be a useful addition to his own club’s fleet.

Weyfarers – the Recreational Rowing companion club to Weybridge Rowing Club – now with over 60 active members, will be finding plenty of use for this new boat and the rest of its current fleet of four touring quads, a touring double, training double, racing coxed quad and a racing coxed four.

Weyfarers welcomes new rowers of all ages and abilities, find out more about the club at