STAGING New rowers flock to Royal Chester Junior Summer School - British Rowing

New rowers flock to Royal Chester Junior Summer School

Royal Chester Junior Summer School 2011

The Royal Chester Junior Summer School 2011 saw over 60 potential junior members discover the excitement of rowing.

The annual Summer School invited 12 to 17-year-olds to learn coxing and sculling on the River Dee, in three-times weekly sessions with junior coaches and members of the Clubmark-accredited Royal Chester Rowing Club.


The three-and-a-half hour sessions saw junior beginners graduate from land training on rowing machines to sculling and coxing in singles, doubles, and quads, with capsizing drills proving a real highlight.

‘Throughout Royal’s Summer School, I’ve learnt a bunch of new skills!’ said participant Jordan Paige Ince.

‘Not only physical skills like rowing, obviously, and capsizing the boats – which was a very cold but at the same time an enjoyable experience – but also other skills, such as team work and pushing myself to keep going and carrying on to do the best I can.

‘Along with these skills, I have met a lot of new people, coaches and helpers. Summer School shows how much effort and how committed you have to be to do this great sport.

‘I have really enjoyed Summer School, and I am really looking forward to joining the Juniors and hopefully taking part in competitions and events.’

For more information about the 2011 Royal Chester Junior Summer School, and to find out how to apply for a place on the 2012 course, visit the Royal Chester Rowing Club website.

Royal Chester Junior Summer School 2011