STAGING Fixed seat rowing in Essex - British Rowing

Fixed seat rowing in Essex

Up to 600 spectators gathered at Hythe Quay, Essex, on December 27 for the Maldon Little Ship Club (MLSC) Charity Rowing Race.

The annual event – held in aid of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution – sees fixed seat rowers in crews of one to 10 joining canoes, kayaks, dinghies, and steam launches on the River Blackwater for five kilometres of entertaining and spirited racing.


‘It was a great event that raised around £5,000 in sponsorship for the lifeboats,’ said organiser John Rogers, who also competed in a single.

‘It was a perfect day – 10C, with a light south-westerly wind and overcast without rain… We had more sponsorship and more rowers this year than last – around 100 rowers came along. They were all in fancy dress and there were some great costumes.’

Prizes on the day included Fastest Men’s and Women’s Boats, Best Fancy Dress, and Most Sponsorship Money Raised – highlighting the event’s desire to attract both fun and competitive rowers.

For more information about the 2011 Sponsored Row, see the MLSC website.

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