STAGING British Rowing Awards announcements: Save these dates! - British Rowing

British Rowing Awards announcements: Save these dates!

Shortlists for the British Rowing Awards 2022 will be published on Wednesday, 11 January 2023, with the winners announced at the online awards ceremony on Thursday, 26 January 2023.


We are delighted with the large number of nominations we received across all categories in the British Rowing Awards this year. Thank you to everyone who took the time to tell us about the many individuals, crews, clubs and projects who deserve recognition.

The panels for each award are currently considering all of the nominations.


Shortlist announcement

Shortlists for the following awards will be announced on the British Rowing website at 11am on Wednesday, 11 January 2023:

  • Volunteer of the Year 2022 (this will comprise the regional winners of this award)
  • Rising Star Volunteer of the Year 2022 (regional winners)
  • Lifetime Achievement 2022 (regional winners)
  • Coach of the Year 2022 (this will comprise the winners of each of the five Coach of the Year categories: Club Performance, Club Development, Education Performance, Education Development, Coaching Team)
  • Club Crew of the Year 2022
  • Junior Crew of the Year 2022
  • University Crew of the Year 2022
  • Club of the Year 2022
  • Rowing Project of the Year 2022.

We’ll let you know on our social media channels as soon as the shortlist has been posted that morning.

British Rowing Awards ceremony

The National winners of each of the awards listed above, along with the winners of the Medal of Merit, Medal of Honour, Beryl Crockford Award for services to junior rowing, and National Safety Awards will be announced at an online awards ceremony starting at 7.30pm on Thursday, 26 January 2023.

A few days before the Awards ceremony, we’ll post the link (here and on our social channels) where you can follow it live, and you’ll also be able to watch on catchup later.