STAGING Go Race Indoors at Selly Park Girls School - British Rowing

Go Race Indoors at Selly Park Girls School

On the 11th March 2008 Birmingham-based ARA coaches,
Stuart Redden and Maddie Millichap, helped Selly Park Girls School to
run an inter-house Go-Race indoor rowing competition for 144 students
across Years 7, 8 and 9.

Each of the school’s six houses (Clent, Abberley, Breedon,
Malvern, Waltern, and Romsley) picked their best team of 8 for the
challenge, with each team taking part in an eight-minute relay,
with the winners determined by the distance recorded.


There were some excellent individual performances, brilliant team
work and judging by the noise each time a race finished, a lot of

The Year 7 relay was won by Malvern House with a grand total of
1788m. Very close behind them in the best race of the day
was Clent House with 1781m and third was Breedon with 1763m.

The Year 8 relay race was won by Clent House with a massive 1719m,
putting them in the top spot for fastest team of the day.
Malvern House were second with 1637m and Romsley
House third with 1623m.

The final race for Year 9 students saw Malvern House emerge on top
with a total of 1609m for their second win of the day, with
Romsley coming second with 1569m and Waltern third
with 1534m.

Thanks must go to the school and staff, particularly Anne Bourne
SSCo (School Sports Co-ordinator), for helping to organise and run
the event.

Stuart Redden CSC Birmingham
Maddy Millichap CSC Birmingham

Jo Atkinson

ARA CDO Team Leader

West Midlands