STAGING Sport Relief Rowing Challenge - British Rowing

Sport Relief Rowing Challenge

Members of staff at the London offices of Partnerships for Schools
(PfS) have been rowing to raise money for Sport Relief.

PfS is the government agency responsible for co-ordinating the
Building Schools for the Future programme which aims to rebuild or
refurbish every secondary school in England.


Organised by Karl Hoods, Head of Information Systems, the intrepid
rowers took part in a series of team and individual races.  The
rowing machines were attached to a computer and data-projector that
allowed participants to see who was winning.

Karl was very pleased with the event that also included virtual
tennis,  "everyone that took part really enjoyed themselves and
there’s a new found respect for anyone that can row.  I think
nearly everyone that took part commented on how exhausting it was
when they thought it would be easy!"

Coaches were on hand to provide technical guidance and
motivate those racing. 

Sport Relief 2008 has so far raised more than £20m, further
details can be found at

For more information on Building Schools for the Future check