STAGING Bradford Schools' GRI Report - British Rowing

Bradford Schools’ GRI Report

The annual Bradford Schools’ Go Race Indoors event was held on Monday 14th April 2008 at Bingley Grammar School.  The school recently received ‘Awards for All’ funding for eight new indoor rowing machines and has created its own indoor rowing room both for curricular and extra-curricular activities.

The event in 2008 was aimed primarily at the year 7 pupils involved in Bradford ARC’s club school links programme. This programme involves five schools: Bingley Grammar School, Salt Grammar school, Belle Vue Girls’ School, Beckfoot School and Hanson School.


Preparations for the event were disrupted by the early Easter holidays but some good racing took place. The provision of ‘Venue’ racing greatly added to the atmosphere and all the competitors were cheered home by their teammates. The pupils from Bingley Grammar School were particularly successful with some very good scores being recorded in the individual events.

Results available here.