STAGING Go with the flow and take to the water - British Rowing

Go with the flow and take to the water

Helen Mead, journalist, gets the rowing but in the company of Bradford Amateur Rowing Club volunteers.

‘It was also not difficult to picture how wonderful it must be, rowing on a summer’s evening. "You see kingfishers, herons, lots of birdlife, it really is beautiful," says long-serving member Barry Wood, who first came to the club in 1957 with a group of friends. "I don’t know why I wanted to have a go, but I’m still coming along."


Members also travel to take part in races in other parts of the country. "Last weekend we were in London for the Head of the River Race on the Thames," says Barbara Edwards. The club’s top crews also compete at events such as the Henley Royal Regatta and National Rowing Championships.

After 15 minutes on the water, I still felt a bit wobbly, and was very glad of the rope, which Terry Edwards still held firm. I don’t think I’ll ever be Steve Redgrave, or James Cracknell – both who have done so much in raising the profile of the sport – but I can understand why people return for more. It was a challenge, moreso than any other sport I’ve tried from scratch. What most surprised me were the people – very down-to-earth.

"We want to dispel the myth that rowing is an upper-class sport," says Richard Phillips. "There are people here from all walks of life."

Read the full article  Telegraph & Argus  (external link).