STAGING Southampton ARC celebrate new Marlin - British Rowing

Southampton ARC celebrate new Marlin

Southampton Amateur Rowing Club launched the latest addition to their fleet of racing shells on Sunday 13th April at 11.30am from their Clubhouse at Hazel Road, Woolston.

Vice President David Hampton named the latest of a long line of boats built by club members ‘Persevere IV’.  This is in keeping with the club’s tradition of always having a boat named Persevere as a tribute to Harold Percy.  The past President of the Bournemouth and Westover Rowing Club donated £10 to Southampton ARC when the Club was first formed in 1945 so that they could buy their first Coastal Four!


The Marlin Coastal Four was designed by club Chairman John Bailey who, with the help of David Hampton and Nick Barlow’s Design Craft Ltd., made the moulds and tooling to produce this state of the art racing shell.  They used the Carbon/Kevlar monocoque  construction technique that has proved so successful since it was first introduced in 2003.

With many other coastal clubs looking to purchase boats it is hoped that Rossiter Yachts of Christchurch will soon be manufacturing ‘Marlins’ to order. John explained, this is the third Marlin to be built, the prototype, built in the club’s work shop went to BTC RC and the second, made by Eton Racing Boats Ltd., to Christchurch RC, which helped to offset the cost of tooling. John said it was exciting times for Southampton ARC, having launched four new boats dedicated for Junior and Schools rowing last November. Having gained outline planning permission for the redevelopment of the Club in February, the launching of the new Marlin for the club’s more senior members allows the Committee to concentrate on  raising the £400,000 needed to provided enhanced Community, Club and Adaptive Rowing facilities.

The boat naming eremony was followed by a Buffet Lunch in the Club House for the fifty or so assembled guests and club members.