STAGING Lancaster University Boat Club Athlete Breaks World Record - British Rowing

Lancaster University Boat Club Athlete Breaks World Record

On 19th December 2010, Lancaster University Boat Club’s Daniel Morgan broke the world record for the most metres rowed on an ergometer in 24 hours in the men’s under 20 open weight category.
The event took place in the heart of Lancaster, in Market Square. Dan, now 20 years of age and a Physics student at the university, began his attempt at 8am on Saturday 18th December, outdoors and in the middle of one of the coldest winters since records began, with only a marquee for shelter. As well as having to contend with the subzero temperatures, Dan also had to overcome other issues that accompany such a sustained period of rowing, such as dehydration and fatigue. However, this being the final Saturday before Christmas, the Lancastrian public were out in force and were quick to show their admiration for what Dan was attempting. Locals were generous with both their donations and their support for the duration of the challenge, throughout the day on Saturday, into the night and in to the early hours of Sunday morning.

Dan had a clear idea of what he had to do in order to achieve his goal of beating the previous record, which stood at 213,061 metres and was set in February 2010. He aimed to hold a 2.20 split for as long as possible, and then to settle down to a slightly higher one coming into the second half of the challenge. He intended to take a short break every hour, in order to have some food and rehydrate. Dan successfully stuck to his plan. During the race, he burned around 14,000 calories and lost a staggering 3kg in weight.


As well as a personal motivation to beat the world record, Dan did this in order to raise money for two causes. These are Anthony Nolan Trust, a charity which does vital research into Leukaemia and one which the club has worked in conjunction with for previous fundraising events, and Lancaster University Boat Club. The total combined proceeds of the individual sponsorship and the street collection will be split equally between the two causes. The total amount raised is yet to be confirmed, but the street collection alone raised more than £300.

The members of Lancaster University Boat Club showed exemplary levels of commitment and support during the event, with people staying for as long as 17 hours to encourage Dan. This was especially important during the night, and the closing stages of the challenge. Those who showed support in such a way did the club proud, but the star of the hour (all 24 of them) was undoubtedly Dan, who did something that not many would have either the physical or mental ability to achieve. .

“It was as mentally difficult as it was physically, but I’m glad that I did it” said Dan, when asked about the experience. “I’m very pleased to have got the record, and it’s great we’ve raised so much money. I felt absolutely shattered for the next two days, but quickly recovered after that.

For more information on the event or how to donate, please email, or donate directly at

Becky Hoose
Lancaster University Boat Club Press and Publicity Officer