STAGING Sport England funding for Clubs - British Rowing

Sport England funding for Clubs

Sport England’s Chair, Richard Lewis, is urging grassroots sports clubs to examine how they could benefit from the Sportsmatch programme, which has been re-launched for 2011-12.

Sportsmatch brings additional funding to not-for-profit organisations that have secured sponsorship to deliver new projects to get people playing and enjoying sport. Grants from £1,000 up to £100,000 are available to match sponsorship from the commercial sector, private individuals or charitable trusts.


Clubs, voluntary organisations, sports governing bodies, councils, schools and universities can get their applications in now, and the first awards will be made in early April.

Richard Lewis said: “Securing sponsorship for your sports project takes dedication and skill – particularly in a tough economic climate – so I’m delighted that we’re able to double the benefit for sport by matching that investment. We’re determined to get public funding right down to sport’s grassroots – so get your applications in early and start making an even bigger difference in your community.”

For the coming year, Sport England has made some minor changes to Sportsmatch to make life easier for sports clubs. While the focus will always be on bringing more money and new commercial partners into sport, we will now accept bids where the sponsor has an existing relationship with the club and isn’t increasing the amount it invests, provided it is for new projects. This recognises the hard work done by sports clubs to maintain relationship with local businesses, which is especially important in difficult economic times when finding new sponsors may be more challenging.

For more information – and to apply any of Sport England’s funding programmes – please visit the funding section of the Sport England website or call the funding helpline on 08458 508 508.

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