STAGING Free charity event featuring Sarah Winckless - British Rowing

Free charity event featuring Sarah Winckless

Image of Charity EventOn Friday 11th February 2011 the Beacon Sports Centre & Theatre will host an Olympic themed Charity Evening featuring Doubled Rowing World Champion and Olympic Bronze medalist Sarah Winckless.

The evening, set to start at 7:00pm, will give a unique behind-the-scenes insight into the build up to London 2012.


Sarah Winckless, now 35 has retired from competitive rowing but remains very involved with the sport in her role as Chair of the British Olympic Association Athletes’ Commission. She is responsible for representing the interests of all British athletes in the run-up to 2012. Sarah is also a Patron of the Huntingdon’s Disease Charity, which will be the Charity cause for the evening.

Sarah will also share the stage with Matt Rogan, author with his father Martin of ‘Britain and the Olympic Games: Past Present Legacy’ which gives a unique insight into Britain’s links with the Olympic Games and assesses prospects for the much-promised legacy in 2012. Sales of the book on the night will be in aid of the Huntingdon’s Disease charity.

To reserve a seat please contact, phone 01494 677764 or visit

Media Release
Steve O’Reilly – General Manager Nexus Community