STAGING Sad news of the death of Hart Perry - British Rowing

Sad news of the death of Hart Perry

British Rowing has learned with sadness of the death of Hart Perry of the United States, a great friend of British Rowing.

Hart Perry was a long-serving Steward of Henley Royal Regatta and his contribution to both grassroots and international rowing spans five decades.  Just two weeks ago Hart attended the annual World Rowing Awards gala dinner at the River and Rowing Museum in Henley where he received the 2010 World Rowing Award for Distinguished Service to International Rowing.


The Chairman of British Rowing, Di Ellis CBE, today expressed her sadness at hearing the news, “On behalf of British Rowing, I would like to send my sincere condolences to Hart’s wife Gill and to all his family, he was a true friend to British Rowing and will be sadly missed by all his friends here.”

Hart Perry served FISA, the international governing body of rowing, as an umpire for nearly thirty years and as a member of FISA’s Youth Commission.

There will be further information in due course from