STAGING Sport England: 'Places People Play' - British Rowing

Sport England: ‘Places People Play’

Sport England has recently launched ‘Places People Play’, a strategy to improve facilities, increase volunteering and encourage more participation in the run up to and beyond the London Olympics.

The ‘Places’ element aims to transform the places where people play sport, making the benefits of London 2012 visible in cities, towns and villages across the country by:

  • Upgrading up to a thousand local sports clubs and facilities
  • Investing in a number of iconic multi-sport facilities that set the standards for future facilities development
  • Protecting and improving hundreds of playing fields across the country, preserving high-quality spaces for local people to play and enjoy sport.

These facilities will be the only ones to carry the London 2012 Inspire mark, a permanent celebration of their role in the legacy of the Games.

Sport England has set up an on-line consultation that can be found at; 

Clubs would be welcome to take part in the consultation.  We would recommend that you identify yourselves as a rowing club in the “other” category of question 1 of the survey.

If you have any questions on ‘Places People Play’ please contact your British Rowing CDO Team Leader.

Simon Dickie
Youth and Community Manager