STAGING Bedford RC celebrates 125 years - British Rowing

Bedford RC celebrates 125 years

Bedford Rowing Club celebrated 125 years by holding a dinner at The Swan Hotel on Friday 18 March. 150 past and current members were entertained by guest speakers; Di Ellis, Chairman of British Rowing and Martin Cross, Olympic gold medal-winning oarsman.

The Club was inaugurated on 15 March 1886, with the Mayor as Chairman and the clubs’ first boat house was located at Batts Ford.


To commemorate the 125th birthday, Ian Codrington – Bedford Rowing Club president from 1991 to 1996 named two boats. A Fillippi coxed four was named in honour of John Lickfold, previous club Vice President and a meImage of Bedford RC 125th celebrationsns heavyweight double scull in honour of Jack Pope, club benefactor who also contributed to the recent refurbishment of the club bar. 

The next on water event run by Bedford Rowing Club is the Bedford Fours & Small Boats Head on Sunday 10 April 2011. Over 400 entries are expected for one of the biggest racing events in the eastern region. 

More details can be found on the club website at


Press Release
Bedford Rowing Club