STAGING Help British Rowing and the SRA save money for clubs - British Rowing

Help British Rowing and the SRA save money for clubs

The Sport and Recreation Alliance is surveying sports clubs to assess their financial health (find out more about the Sport and Recreation Alliance). Completing this survey will allow British Rowing, and the Alliance (on our behalf) to campaign for reduced rates of VAT for sports clubs, lower utility rates, alcohol licensing costs, music licensing costs, drainage charges, Gift Aid, improvements to the CASC scheme, access to facilities and other important issues for clubs.

Only with good data can we make politicians listen. 


The more clubs that complete the survey, the louder Rowing’s voice will be. As a thank you, your completed survey will be entered into a draw to win one of a number of prizes including a session for your club with an expert who will advise on reducing your bills and provide money-saving tips, and two tickets to the Wimbledon Championships.

To take part in the survey, simply click on the link below and complete the survey as best you can. It will really help if you have your club accounts to hand (don’t worry, all the information you give will be completely confidential) and you may need to ask other members for information about the club. You can save your responses and come back to the survey later if you need to.

Click here to take part

Survey closes on Tuesday 31st May

11th March, 2011