STAGING Have your say in British Waterways consultation - British Rowing

Have your say in British Waterways consultation

British Waterways has welcomed the start of a three-month government consultation into the future of inland waterways in England and Wales. 

The consultation sets out the proposals for a new charitable trust to take over the management of the waterways, including how the organisation will be governed and how it will give communities a greater role in looking after their local canals, rivers, reservoirs and docks.


British Waterways’ Chairman, Tony Hales, comments: “The consultation is an important step forward in achieving a long held vision among waterway supporters.  Having set out our proposals in 2009 for a ‘national trust’ for the waterways, the Minister is now embarking upon the biggest shake-up of the waterway governance since nationalisation in 1948.  I believe the proposals will build upon the recent waterway renaissance to ensure they never again revert to the dereliction and decline that saw part of the network abandoned and filled in during the 20th century.”

The consultation document is published at  
It would be very helpful if you could send a copy your response by email to so that we can also include your views in British Rowing’s response to British Waterways. 

British Waterways cares for Britain’s 200-year old network of historic canals, rivers and docks, which attract over 13 million people each year for walking, cycling, angling, boating or simply the peace and quiet. The Government has backed British Waterways’ plans in England and Wales for the canals and rivers to leave state control to become a ‘national trust’ for the waterways.  This new charity, which is targeted to be up and running in 2012, will attract greater investment and give local people a greater role in how their waterways are run.