STAGING Important reminder for Clubs on EA Waters - British Rowing

Important reminder for Clubs on EA Waters

All boats to be used on Environment Agency (EA) waters need to be licensed before 1st April 2011. After this date unlicensed boats used on EA waters are liable to be fined by the EA. This includes boats visiting EA waters for regattas and other events.

How much will licences cost?

The standard fee for 2011 EA licences will be £30 pa.  Reduced price licences can only be obtained from British Rowing.


The 2011 fees for annual licences purchased from British Rowing are:

•    EA based Clubs:  Standard Licence £19.00
•    Non EA based Clubs:  Standard (Visitors) Licence £12.00 (£5.00 for a Junior boat)
•    All Clubs:  Junior Licence  £5.00
•    Coaching or/and safety launches:  free of charge

These fees apply to all regions of the EA.

How do clubs apply for licences?

In order to register boats your Online Entry administrator (or a deputy appointed by your administrator) will need to:

•    Log in to the Online Entry System
•    Click on EA boat licensing on the left hand menu
•    Click on Register more boats
•    Enter in the numbers (JUST the 3 digit number after your club code) of the boats you want to register separated with spaces
•    Click check to see a page confirming the details
•    Confirm and submit
•    British Rowing will issue an invoice and once payment is received will mark the licences as valid with the EA.

Please note that your payment must have been received for your licence to be activated for 2011.

Day Licences

Day Licences are not available from British Rowing but can be obtained directly from the EA at a cost of £7 each. (Note: the Day Licences are valid for the day only, the £12 Licence available from British Rowing for boats visiting EA Waters to compete or train is valid for the whole year.)

For more information and for a map of British Rowing Clubs and Events on EA waters please visit: