STAGING Network for Masters Rowing - British Rowing

Network for Masters Rowing

Did you know that once you’ve reached the grand old age of 27 years in rowing you are eligible to take part and compete in Masters events? 

Are you still a keen competitor but are finding it hard to put in the time to train with your club’s full-time rowers?  Or perhaps you don’t feel able to race at IM1 or Senior level at summer regattas?  Arnold Cooke, Chairman of the Masters Commission, says there are regattas that would be happy to put on Masters races as long as there are sufficient entries. 


We have set up a forum on the Explore Rowing website where Masters can get together, network and exchange information about where they might be planning to compete.  Go to  As well as the forum you will also find a dedicated group for Masters where you you can put up news of events and publish your photos,  Arnold Cooke is a member of the group and he hopes that this forum will grow for the benefit of Masters rowing across the country.     

Please use the forum and if you have any ideas about how this area for Masters could be developed please email – we will look forward to your feedback.