STAGING Sir Steve Redgrave to ‘row’ at Henley Royal Regatta - British Rowing

Sir Steve Redgrave to ‘row’ at Henley Royal Regatta

Andy Holmes MBE tragically died aged 51 in London last October 2010 after
contracting what is believed to be the rare waterborne disease, Leptospirosis.  His memory will be honoured this year at
Henley Royal Regatta by Sir Steven Redgrave CBE in a ‘Row-Over’ of the Henley
Regatta course.

will take place immediately after the last morning race timed at approximately
12.30 pm and will be followed by an umpire’s launch with Andy’s daughters Aimee and Camilla on board.  Andy was
one of the prime movers of British Rowing in the early eighties and, with Sir Steve, ‘raised the bar’ for British rowing athletes to a level where, today
only gold will suffice.


the row over, Sir Steve will be joined by Andy’s first international crew which
won at Henley 30 years ago this year and went on to the World Championships in
Munich. Andy’s focus and determination at those ‘1981 Worlds’ when he was just
19 years of age – drove the crew to lead for most of the final – only faltering
in the last few strokes to be edged out of the lead.

Henley row over is a fitting memory to Andy,” said Sir Steve “He strove for
success on the water and was the most committed person I can recall in his
search for perfection and gold. Even after ceasing competitive rowing he
returned with the same focus and dedication – taking the relatively small,
Hammersmith based Furnival Sculling Club to huge success in the areas he became
involved with”.

Andy began his rowing career
at Latimer Upper school in Hammersmith,
west London, where he was coached by Olympic rowing silver medallist Jim Clark
and later became part of Kingston
Rowing Club’s ‘Red Machine’ – a regime defined and driven by ex-international
Richard Ayling during the late 70’s & early 80’s during which KRC dominated
coxed four rowing both at Henley and International level.  Nineteen eighty one saw three KRC crews
selected for the GB team – two of which won at Henley (4+ and 2- ) plus the women’s
double of Astrid Ayling and Sue McNuff – who were the first GB women’s double
to race at HRR).

Sir Steve
Redgrave will present an award to Richard Ayling in memory of Andy and in
recognition of Richard’s services to international rowing in the boat tent area
at approximately 1.00pm.  Friends, rowers
and supporters are welcomed to join the family at this occasion.