STAGING Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant - British Rowing

Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant

Great River Race 2010

The organisers of the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant are now inviting boat owners and boating associations to apply to take part in one of the major celebrations of The Queen’s sixty year reign.

One year from Friday 3rd June, on Sunday 3rd June 2012, The Queen will travel in a Royal Barge at the head of the flotilla comprising one thousand boats assembled from across the UK, the Commonwealth and around the World.  Registration to apply to take part in the flotilla can be done through the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant website:


The flotilla – expected to measure 7.5 miles long from end to end – will comprise a diverse mix of the historic and the modern: from rowed boats to sailing ships, steamers to wooden launches and larger motorised craft. The flotilla specifically aims to capture the diversity of Britain and the Commonwealth’s proud maritime history.

The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant website will be open for vessel registration until 31 October 2011. The selection process will be finalised by 31 December 2011, and everyone who has been selected will have received an invitation to participate by then. Unsuccessful applicants will also have been notified by that date.  As the flotilla is restricted to about 1,000 vessels, and a considerable response is anticipated, it is unlikely that all applicants will be able to be accommodated.

Adrian Evans said: “We are eager to include as wide a range of vessel types as possible.  We will also be looking for representation across a broad geographical range both within the UK and throughout Commonwealth countries too. We’ll be interested in vessels that are quirky and unusual, and those – or their crew – with a particular story to tell.  Given the enormous enthusiasm for the flotilla we’ve seen so far, we expect to be over-subscribed but we will be including a good representation of vessels.”

The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant is a key element of planned national celebrations across the Diamond Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend. For further details, see