STAGING London 2012 seeks Young Games Makers - British Rowing

London 2012 seeks Young Games Makers



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London 2012 has announced over 2,000 opportunities for 16-18 year olds to volunteer at the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young people to get involved in the greatest show on earth – while learning new skills, gaining experience and making new friends.


London 2012 is looking for schools, colleges, youth groups, sports clubs, and community and volunteering groups to put forward teams of young volunteers help make the 2012 Games the biggest and best Olympics yet.

Roles are available for teams of young people, headed by a team leader who already works with them – a teacher or youth leader, for example. 

These team leaders will apply for a role on behalf of the young volunteers, and will be responsible for them during selection events, training and the Games.

Applications for Young Games Makers open on September 2011.

For more information, visit the Young Games Makers website.