STAGING Cundy to kick-start Amputee Games - British Rowing

Cundy to kick-start Amputee Games

Triple Paralympic gold-medallist Jody Cundy is set to make an appearance at the 2011 Amputee Games this weekend (August 13-14).

The Olympic cyclist and former swimmer is scheduled to make an appearance at the fourth annual games at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium – one of the last big events for people with disabilities before London 2012.


The Amputee Games provides the opportunity for amputees and ambulant disabled people to witness 13 different disability sports – including adaptive rowing – as well as taking part themselves in ‘Have-a-go’ sessions.

Activities take place on Saturday and Sunday, with accommodation and food included in the £25 fee.

For more information on the 2011 Amputee Games, visit the Limb Power website.

To register for the Games, download the registration form.