STAGING Former ARA Executive Secretary David Lunn-Rockliffe dies aged 86 - British Rowing

Former ARA Executive Secretary David Lunn-Rockliffe dies aged 86

It is with much sadness that we announce the death of David Lunn-Rockliffe, who died peacefully on Tuesday 23rd August 2011.

David was Executive Secretary of the Amateur Rowing Association from 1976-87 when he retired aged 62.

He successfully led the transition from a full-time volunteer-led organisation towards the employment of paid staff.


From the moment David was appointed he gave himself fully to the interests of rowing, and was always fair handed and available with good counsel.

He opened the doors of the sport in many ways, not least through the DAF Power Sprints – resulting in rowing being televised and the creation of the Rowing Foundation to help young rowers.

‘David was a man who will be remembered for his constant charm, friendliness and good humour,’ said Di Ellis, Chairman of British Rowing. ‘He was a friend to many, and a man who laid the foundation stones for the extremely successful organisation we are today.’