STAGING Ocean rowing arrives in central London - British Rowing

Ocean rowing arrives in central London


Andrew Brown

Ocean rowing hopeful Andrew Brown finished a gruelling 25-hour row on Thursday, in a busy central London square.

The 26-year-old rowed continuously for 25 hours on 28-29 September at Exchange Square, London, to raise awareness and funds for his Atlantic Ocean crossing in December this year.


His 23-foot-long boat ‘JJ’ (pictured, below) is still on display in the square, and can be seen from the platforms of Liverpool Street train station.

Brown is scheduled to depart from the Island of Gomera on December 4, before rowing 2936 miles and finishing at Barbados, some three months later.

For more information on Brown and his challenge, visit his fund-raising website.

Andrew Brown's ocean rowing boat, 'JJ'