STAGING Are you ready for Movember? - British Rowing

Are you ready for Movember?

From tomorrow, top lips up and down the country will begin to look a little different – and it’s all in aid of prostate and testicular cancer awareness.

On November 1, legions of men across the nation will look in the mirror to see a clean-shaven face for the last time – as a month of concentrated moustache-growing begins in earnest.


Movember is an annual ‘celebration of the moustache’, which encourages men to spend the month of November growing a moustache to highlight men’s health issues.

Prostate cancer claims a life every hour in the UK, and is the most common cancer with 100 men diagnosed per day.

Movember is particularly popular within the rowing community, with several star names throwing their weight behind the event this year.

The fund-raising event began in Melbourne in 2003, and has spawned into a global phenomenon, with over £106m raised over the last eight years.

Almost £50m of that total was raised last year alone, with close to half a million ‘Mo Bros and Sistas’ officially registered in 2010.

Funds raised by Movember in the UK are divided between charities dedicated to the top two male-specific cancers – prostate and testicular cancer.

The month-long campaign is intended to raise funds and awareness for The Prostate Cancer Charity and the Institute of Cancer Research, with men and women actively encouraged to raise as much money as possible.

For more information on Movember, and to register yourself as a ‘Mo Bro’ or ‘Sista’ before the campaign begins on November 1, visit