STAGING Sport England seeks community 'Sport Makers' - British Rowing

Sport England seeks community ‘Sport Makers’

Sport Makers logo

Five-time Olympic Gold medallist Sir Steve Redgrave has unveiled Sport England’s Sport Makers – a programme designed to encourage people to become sporting heroes in their own communities.

The plan aims to inspire over 40,000 people to proactively organise and lead 10 hours worth of sporting activities at a local level, encouraging their friends, family, neighbours or colleagues to discover the joys of sport.

“You don’t need medals to become a sporting hero,” said Sir Steve – one of Great Britain’s greatest-ever Olympians. “By helping people you know to get involved in sport, you’ll be doing something amazing for your friends and local community as well as having fun yourself.


“The thing I want to see more than anything is more people out enjoying what sport has to offer, but we need your help to make it happen.

“So why not take your first step to becoming a sporting hero and visit”

Sport Makers – which forms part of the Places People Play Olympic legacy programme – will receive £4million of National Lottery funding, and is being backed by the British Olympic Association.

Sport Makers applicants will be invited to join interactive workshops, where they will receive valuable training to facilitate sport in their area.

There will also be opportunities to meet some of the UK’s star athletes, as well as the opportunity to secure tickets to the London 2012 Olympic Games.

“Sport Makers will help contribute to an active and vibrant grassroots sporting environment, through which opportunities for people of all ages to participate in sport will be expanded,” said BOA Chair, Lord Moynihan.

“It will reinforce the ideals of the Olympic and Paralympic movement, demonstrating how they are relevant to every level of sport.”

Applicants must be 16-years old. The Sport Makers programme will run until September 2013.