STAGING Di Ellis to join BOA in Ypres Remembrance Day ceremony - British Rowing

Di Ellis to join BOA in Ypres Remembrance Day ceremony

[newsimage=0]British Rowing Chairman Di Ellis is set to join a delegation of British Olympic medallists and officials in Ypres, Belgium, this weekend, for the Armistice Remembrance Day Ceremonies.

The ceremony will take place at the Menin Gate on Friday, with British Olympic Association Chairman Colin Moynihan leading the delegation to honour Olympic athletes who gave their lives in the line of duty during World War I.


The delegation will be joined by Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee, and representatives from the Belgian, French, and German Olympic Committees – the first time that the four National Olympic Committees have come together at Ypres to remember fallen Olympians.

The ceremony will be held at 11am, and will mark 93 years since the end of World War I.

‘We are deeply honoured to join with friends and colleagues from throughout the Olympic Movement in this solemn tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice,’ said BOA Chair Lord Moynihan. 

‘Their bravery during periods of conflict has made it possible for our world to gather every two years, under the banner of the Olympic Games, to reaffirm and celebrate the values of peace, unity and human excellence.

‘These timeless values are at the heart of the Olympic Movement, and it is through a shared commitment to these values that the Olympic Movement has evolved to become a powerful force for hope and opportunity around the world.’

Other notable members of the BOA delegation include 2004 Olympic bronze medal winner Sarah Winckless, and Michael Lapage – Olympic silver medal winner in 1948 and World War II veteran.