STAGING Important Information for Club Officers - British Rowing

Important Information for Club Officers

Please forward Club Stream to the relevant officers of your Club

Club Welfare Officers

In the run up to Christmas, British Rowing has had a number of enquiries relating to juniors and alcohol. We’d like to remind you that we have published some guidance for clubs and you can find this in the Safeguarding section of our website: Welfare Guidance 3.3


The self declaration form that club members fill in when applying for a CRB clearance has been updated, the revised WG2.6 is available now on the website.

Safety Officers

A message from Clive Killick, Hon Water Safety Adviser: ‘What does Water Safety mean to you? Row Safe is British Rowing’s recommended practice for everyone involved in rowing, when it comes to water safety.’  Row Safe is in the process of being updated; the format is going to be revised and the content streamlined. The first section will be available for comment online on the British Rowing website from 16 January – 23 January 2012. We welcome your feedback.’

The Coaching Commission would like to remind everyone about the importance of good steering and coxing. Those coxing or steering have a responsibility for their crew and should receive education and training to ensure their safety and that of other water users. Information about the British Rowing certificate which is designed to be delivered in clubs is available from

We have also been asked to pass on details of ‘Heartstart’,  a very useful first aid course and a good way to update skills which may be of interest to your coaches, club members and event organisers.  The British Heart Foundation website has a map showing Heartstart schemes running in your local area.

And finally a reminder that your club’s annual Water Safety Audit is due by 31st December. All clubs are asked to have submitted their audits by Friday 23rd to give the Regional Water Safety Advisers time to check and get back to you if any problems arising.

Club Treasurers

A reminder that Club affiliations are due by 31st December, and some advice if your club is applying for CASC status.

If your rowing club registers with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) you can benefit from various tax advantages, for example claiming back tax on Gift Aid donations, tax relief on the Corporation Tax you pay on income and capital gains, and non-domestic rates relief.

To register, your club has to meet certain conditions. The HMRC CASC Unit decides whether the conditions for registration have been met. CASC status is only available to clubs involved in eligible sports as decided by the Sports Council.

Alan Meegan, British Rowing’s Facilities Consultant offers a word of advice: ‘Many amateur sports clubs are applying for CASC status now because most local authorities are eliminating discretionary rates relief.  

‘The consequences are that applications to HMRC for CASC status are taking months instead of weeks to process, and the constitutions have to be fully compliant or they are rejected by HMRC, often without explanation.

‘In my last conversation with HMRC they explained that they are unable to suggest amendments to the constitutions as they do not have the staff available. They simply have to reject the applications, which means that many clubs will have to suffer no rates relief for several months.

‘If our clubs become more familiar with CASC, they will be able to consider the option of CASC status and deal with applications more efficiently.’

For more information, visit