STAGING British Rowing bucks the trend - British Rowing

British Rowing bucks the trend

For the first time ever British Rowing membership figures have shown a year on year increase of 2000, at the end of 2011.

An exciting start to 2012 for rowing, in what is generally considered to be a challenging economic climate for sport.  


The December 2011 rise in membership for British Rowing shows a total figure topping 27,000, compared to less than 25,000 in December 2010. Registered members are only a percentage of those who row, so this reflects a very pleasing picture for the sport as a whole.

British Rowing’s National Manager, Rosemary Napp, explains why she is so encouraged by the increase; “This is great news for rowing.  Our staff and volunteers have been working incredibly hard on our legacy programme, Explore Rowing.  The message that we can offer fun and flexible rowing programmes with or without the new wider boats is now gaining real momentum across the sport.  Explore Rowing has helped many of our clubs to bring rowing to the heart of local communities.

“We have also been working hard to extend our range of membership benefits and I believe this and a more flexible approach to rowing will help us to keep younger members in the sport.”  

The Olympic and Paralympic Games will generate interest in all sports and British Rowing’s summer programme ‘Row for Gold’ aims to help as many people as possible to have a go at rowing.  There will be taster sessions and learn to row opportunities across the country, including some exciting new initiatives for indoor rowers.

2012 looks set to be another bumper year for the sport!