STAGING Indoor Rowers take on Cornish contest - British Rowing

Indoor Rowers take on Cornish contest


The results are in for the first Cornish Indoor Rowing League (CIRL) challenge, with 38 people rowing the length of the Tamar Bridge in December.

The CIRL is open to anyone who rows on an indoor rowing machine across the country, with Cornish-themed challenges set each month.


Targets include either times or distances, which indoor rowers can complete at home, at their club, or in a gym.

Rowers wishing to enter the contest can then email a snapshot of their ergo screen on completion of a challenge to

Entrants for the December challenge came from several Cornish Pilot Gig Association clubs, with a healthy number of individuals, juniors, and leisure centre-goers completing the 643-metre indoor rowing challenge.

Falmouth Gig Club produced the fastest men’s and women’s times, with Adam Anderson covering the distance in an impressive one minute and 49.5 seconds, and Mel Murray topping the women’s table with a time of two minutes and 11 seconds.

However, Helston Sports Centre’s contenders also put in a remarkable performance, claiming 11 of the top 13 places.

The January CIRL competition challenges rowers to row flat out for 30 minutes, as a tribute to the Great South West Road.

For more information about how you can pit your wits against the cream of Cornish indoor rowing, visit the CIRL Facebook page.