STAGING Runcorn RC completes Indoor Rowing Marathon - British Rowing

Runcorn RC completes Indoor Rowing Marathon


On 21 January, Runcorn Rowing Club joined forces with Tesco, Helsby to complete a 9 Hour Indoor Rowing Marathon, much to the delight of Saturday shoppers.

 The event was held in aid of Tesco’s charity, Alzheimer’s Society and to raise funds for developing much-needed facilities for the rowing club.


Supported by British Rowing, Runcorn’s Marathon demonstrated that rowing can be part of a healthier lifestyle, is accessible to all ages and abilities, and allows you to make new friends in the community, all whilst having fun.

 Four mixed teams of Tesco staff and Runcorn rowers battled it out on Concept 2 indoor rowing machines – rowing the equivalent distance from the Tesco superstore to the Alzheimer’s Society regional office in Warrington and back.

For their efforts, the rowers raised a grand total of £1000.00, which will be split between Alzheimer’s Society and Runcorn RC.

The club wishes to thank Tesco for facilitating the event, and commends all the staff involved for their determination and fun-loving spirit.

‘The Tesco staff were great,’ said a Runcorn RC spokesman. ‘They were all fully committed to completing their 30min pieces, despite some of them never having been on a rowing machine before!

‘This event has hopefully encouraged some staff and members of the public to come to the club and give rowing a try.’

If you or your club is considering a fund-raising challenge, you can find a host of tips and suggestions at

News submitted by Runcorn Rowing Club