STAGING Beckham launches Active Kids - British Rowing

Beckham launches Active Kids

David Beckham has launched Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme, offering sports clubs around the country a chance to get kitted out for 2012.

Since 2010, Clubmark clubs have received over £250,000 worth of equipment and experiences through Active Kids, and voucher collection is already underway for this year’s scheme.


Active Kids vouchers can be collected up to and including April 10th, and vouchers from last year’s scheme can also be used in the 2012 round.

These vouchers can then be redeemed against a wide range of sports equipment, kit, and coaching experiences.

‘I believe that everyone should share an equal opportunity to enjoy sport and its many benefits,’ said Active Kids Ambassador David Beckham. ‘This year, the eyes of the world will be on us. So let’s do everything we can to make sure Active Kids 2012 is another roaring success, and leaves a sporting legacy we can all be proud of.’

To find out more about Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme, visit the official Facebook page.