STAGING Putney schoolgirls' 24-hour row - British Rowing

Putney schoolgirls’ 24-hour row

A team of 65 schoolgirls from Putney High School Rowing Club are set to take part in the 24-hour row this weekend, taking on their coach in a non-stop team relay.

From 10am on Saturday (March 3rd) to 10am Sunday the girls will row continuously in a club versus coach race at Barn Elms Boathouse, on the banks of the River Thames.


When the girls – who age from 11 to 18 years old – aren’t rowing, they will be selling cupcakes to Women’s Head of the River spectators.

The event aims to raise funds to go towards buying second-hand equipment for the club, allowing more girls to row at Putney High School.

For more information about the rowing club, visit