STAGING Victory for Colfox in Dorset School Games - British Rowing

Victory for Colfox in Dorset School Games

On Tuesday 13th March, the second of four Dorset School Games events took place at Wey Valley School. More than 140 young people took part in the event, which was supported by local gig clubs Bridport and Portland.

Sir John Colfox School took the plaudits after dazzling displays from their Year 8 Girls and Year 9 Boys (pictured above), who claimed victories in their individual events.


Both sets of youngsters also received trophies for being the fastest team cups across all the age groups competing in the event.

They will now go on to represent West Dorset at the final, which will be held in Bournemouth on July 13th.

‘The level of competitive performances, team work and camaraderie was outstanding and enjoyed by all schools part taking in the event,’ said Katherine Morris, British Rowing Participation Team Leader for Wessex.