STAGING £235k awarded to sports clubs in Boston - British Rowing

£235k awarded to sports clubs in Boston

Boston College has secured £99,999 for a new dance studio, gym and changing rooms, £86,000 goes to Boston Borough Council to refurbish the Geoff Moulder Leisure Centre and Boston Rowing Club has been awarded £48,650 to upgrade the club’s facilities.

Part of Places People Play, a programme run by Sport England, the Inspired Failities Fund is investing £50million of National Lottery funding in up to 1,000 community sports projects between 2011 and 2014.


Sport England’s Chair, Richard Lewis, said: “This investment will be a fantastic sporting legacy for Boston. This fund has really hit the mark with sports clubs in the East Midlands. It shows we’re offering the legacy that people want for their local community. For hundreds of clubs and tens of thousands of people, 2012 will be the year their local sports facilities got better.”

The clubs in Boston are among 350 local community sports groups who have been offered funding. Every sports facility that receives funding will carry the London 2012 Inspire mark – celebrating the link to the Olympic Games.

Hayley Cook, Lincolnshire Sports Partnership’s representative for club support in Boston, said: “This boost of funding for facilities in Boston is fantastic. The Rowing Club will benefit greatly, and I hope other clubs and sports organisations in the area will seize the opportunity of Sport England’s Inspired Facilities funding and apply for the third round this summer. At Lincolnshire Sports Partnership, we are happy to provide support with funding bids – just get in touch.”
The third round of Inspired Facilities funding runs from 23rd July 2012 to 17th September 2012. For more information, go to .