STAGING Sportivate boosts Cornwall's Gig Rowers - British Rowing

Sportivate boosts Cornwall’s Gig Rowers

Nankersey Rowing Club’s Alice Bayfield has come a long way in a short time with the help of Sport England’s Sportivate project.

Sportivate gives 14-25 year olds up to eight free coaching sessions in the sport of their choice, and Alice was one of a number of novices to try gig rowing with Nankersey.


Four sessions later, and Alice was hooked – signing up to join the Club before breaking into its ladies A crew.

In May, Alice will head to the Isles of Scilly for the 2012 World Pilot Gig Championships. This is her story:

This Sportivate project was run in partnership with Nankersey Rowing, British Rowing, and the Cornwall Sports Parnership.