STAGING All systems go for British Rowing Championships - British Rowing

All systems go for British Rowing Championships

We are pleased to confirm that the British Rowing Championships will proceed as planned this weekend.

Following a nerve-wracking couple of days, the National Water Sports Centre lake is draining and should be back to its normal level by Thursday. More heavy rain is due on Friday but we do not expect this to affect the lake water level significantly. The race programme will proceed as normal, commencing at 10am on Friday.


Please see the BRC draw page for the updated race timetable, which contains a few minor changes. 

However, the land around the Centre has suffered from heavy rain and local flooding, which means that we have to change the usual parking and vehicle access arrangements. 

The current plan is:

The trailer park above the boating area will be open as usual: please ensure that your trailer is parked sensibly to make maximum use of the space. Further trailer parking is available on the north side of the course towards the River Trent (in the hard-standing public car park). The trailer park across the road next to the campsite is not open.

Spectator car parking is limited. There is some space in the public car park on the north side, and in an overspill car park on the south side (beyond the Centre buildings). Do not park on Adbolton Lane as you are likely to get a parking ticket. Please do all you can to car share and minimise the number of vehicles visiting the site.

The grassy bank on the north side is totally closed to ALL vehicles. If you have booked a gazebo space you will be able to access the roadway at the top of the bank to offload, but will then have to park elsewhere. 

A revised map of the site is available on the BRC website

Competitors and supporters should be aware that the land conditions are difficult and should come with appropriate clothing for the conditions, and a willingness to work with us to make the best of the difficulties. Wellingtons are a must, and you should bring plenty of spare, dry clothing. These plans are still subject to change, so please cooperate with Regatta and NWSC Officials in terms of where you walk, drive and park. 

The campsite is generally useable, but please take guidance from site officials when you arrive. 

We wish all competitors a very successful and enjoyable British Rowing Championships.