STAGING A new coxing workshop - coming soon! - British Rowing

A new coxing workshop – coming soon!

British Rowing is preparing to launch a brand new Introduction to Coxing workshop, for people with little to no experience of coxing.

The start of the head season is the perfect time to assess how you train your existing coxes, and to bring in new ones.


The new coxing workshop will provide the ideal platform for novice coxes to learn the skills that are so crucial to a crew’s success over the course of a season.

At the end of the course attendees will be signposted to a British Rowing online coxing workbook (accessed via RowHow), which they will complete in partnership with a qualified coach from their own club. The coach will assess their ability and, where appropriate, award them with a coxing certificate.

A pilot for the workshop is being held at the end of this month, at which point more information will be made available on and regional dates will be made available on the Education & Training Calendar.

New resources will also be made available on RowHow, under Coxing.