STAGING ‘All Aboard’ centre launched in Bristol - British Rowing

‘All Aboard’ centre launched in Bristol


A revamped water sport centre has been launched in Bristol, offering new opportunities to row, sail and canoe on Baltic Wharf.

A £50,000 Inspired Facilities-funded makeover has seen the old Bristol Sailing School transformed into a multi-sport centre, including a refurbished training suite, new changing facilities, improved building access.


The All Aboard centre was renovated with the support of Sport England, British Rowing, Bristol City Council, the British Canoe Union and the Royal Yachting Association.

It was officially opened on Friday (September 7), with a special day of water sports activities for children and young people.

“The new-look centre is a real boost for anyone involved in water sports in the city or anyone wanting to have a go at sailing, rowing or canoeing,” said Commodore John Read, of All Aboard. “Bristol’s harbour is a great place to learn and develop sailing skills and the new centre means we are better placed to welcome new members and encourage more people from across the city to experience the fun of water sports.”

Sport England’s Jim Barrett added: “We are delighted with the improvements to the All Aboard centre and can see how the £50,000 Inspired Facilitates grant will make a real difference to people with an interest in sailing, rowing and canoeing. Water sports offer a whole range of different experiences and challenges to everyone – of all abilities and from all backgrounds.”

For more information about Sport England’s Inspired Facilities grants, visit