STAGING Scale of fees for 2013-14 - British Rowing

Scale of fees for 2013-14

On 22 September 2012, the British Rowing Council approved the following scale of fees for affiliated clubs in 2013. Subscriptions for the 2013 calendar year are payable by January 1st.

Affiliated clubs with 10 members or less will pay £80, and clubs with more than 10 members will pay an extra £6 for each additional member (based on their maximum club membership during 2011).


The minimum fee for active clubs is £80, with dormant clubs (which have ceased all rowing activity – both competitive and uncompetitive – but wish to remain affiliated to the Association).

There will also be a negligible increase for individual British Rowing subscriptions, but we are delighted to announce a freeze on the price of Senior Gold memberships. From 1 April 2013, British Rowing membership will cost £50 for Seniors, £31 for Students, £24 for Juniors, £26 for non-racing (silver) membership and £1020 for life (platinum) membership. J13s and under will remain free for their first year of membership, and £15 for subsequent years.

Take a closer look at the full scale of fees for 2013-14.