STAGING Coach of the Year Awards 2012 - Winners' Citations - British Rowing

Coach of the Year Awards 2012 – Winners’ Citations

Coach of the Year – Education Performance

Mike Beresford, Southampton University Boat Club

‘Following a successful rowing career at international level, during which he competed in an Olympic final, won Commonwealth Gold, and Silver at the European Championships, Mike turned his attention to coaching, and has spent almost 40 years as a volunteer at Southampton University Boat Club.


‘He started in 1974 with just 12 oarsmen and, during his time at the club, the membership has grown to over 80. He has spent up to 30 hours per week not only helping athletes of all standards achieve their full potential – including famous names Miriam and Guin Batten and Naomi Ashcroft – but also encouraging an interest in those wishing to get involved in coaching.

‘Mike is described as an inspiration and a role model, dedicated, dignified and determined, and recent achievements by the SUBC squad, including numerous medals in University regattas both at home and abroad, as well as success at novice and intermediate events, bear testament to these qualities.’

Coach of the Year – Club Performance

Greg Beswick, Tees Rowing Club

‘Greg has championed the cause of Adaptive Rowing at Tees Rowing Club, over the last 3 years, with impressive results.

‘His athletes have won a host of medals at indoor and on-water events, both national and international, while at the same time establishing a clear vision of what they hope to achieve in the future, these ambitions ranging from competing at the 2014 Commonwealth Games through to developing the confidence to compete at local regattas.

‘During Greg’s relatively short time at the club, the Adaptive membership has seen a significant increase, and it seems that the secret of his success stems from his sound work ethic, passion, and patience, while instilling in his athletes the need for determination, hard work and commitment to reach their individual goals.’

Coach of the Year – Club Development

Tony Riddington, North Staffs Rowing Club

‘In his role as Club Development Officer, Tony has dramatically improved the fortunes of North Staffs RC in just a few short years.

‘He has established indoor and on-water programmes for five local schools, assisting with their grant applications, recruiting volunteers, and organising fundraising for the purchase boats and other equipment. Plans are also in place for an inter-school regatta in 2013.

‘Through his personal coaching effort, and the training programmes he has devised, North Staffs juniors now compete regularly, and successfully, at regional heads and regattas. Tony also delivers Learn to Row courses for adults.

‘The strong Junior Section at the club has led to a significant increase in membership at senior level both from juniors moving up and parents becoming members.’

Coach of the Year – Team Award

Junior Squads Team (Russell Peacock, Carrie Collerton, Ray Bedder, Bret King, Colin Picton), Marlow Rowing Club

‘The dedicated and professional Junior Squads Team at Marlow RC have achieved enormous success this year in difficult circumstances.

‘Despite severely reduced facilities, due to a fire at the club, the team continued to run the usual 16 hours of coaching sessions for groups of 40-50.  Not easy, when using an improvised gym, housed in a tent at the local sports centre, with minimal changing facilities.

‘Their list of successes, however, runs to over 80, achieved in almost every category, and at all levels of competition.  

‘Of particular note was the performance of the boys squad, who went forward for international selection and all of this could only result from a great deal of hard work and outstanding team spirit.’