STAGING Record numbers of students sign up to row - British Rowing

Record numbers of students sign up to row


As record numbers of students sign up for rowing British Rowing staff and volunteers are supporting a number of university clubs to run Head races or Indoor Rowing events. These are events run by students for students and it is hoped that the model will develop as a means of giving focus during term one for many of the new rowers to the clubs.

The series of events began on Sunday 11th November in Lincoln – where organiser Sally Hoornaert had entries from crews from Sheffield, Nottingham, De Montford and Leicester taking to the water.  Local British Rowing Team Leader Jeff Elms worked with the University club to help them ensure the plans for the event are in order.  Jeff said “It has been really rewarding working with the students and we hope to expand the idea to more clubs next year.”


Far removed from Lincoln – but in the same ‘boat’, Bristol University will be running their event on Saturday 17th Nov. . Bristol University is just at the start of a large development project and hopefully the event will be an opportunity to share those plans with a wider audience

These initiatives are part of the ongoing work to support clubs across the country as they look for ways to accommodate the high numbers signing up for rowing.  The events are supported by British Rowing where the following criteria are met;
• the events will be led by a University rowing club and supported by an appointed mentor who will oversee the planning / delivery
• there is sufficient insurance cover for the event – covering students, staff, officials, volunteers and public liability ( this is generally all part of the generic University policy – but should be checked and may require organisers to provide to the insurer a list of names of those volunteering at the event
• the events will give student rowers – primarily beginners – the chance to get into boats / onto the water and to compete in a safe environment
• the event will provide opportunities for members of that club to learn skills in events management, sports administration etc.
• there should also be opportunities for the University club to benefit financially from hosting of the event
• the appointed mentor will talk to the nominated team leader within British Rowing to confirm that local arrangements are in place.

And once these two events have been completed there are others lined up for 2013 in York and Worcester.

Hot on the heels of the outdoor events is a growing series of indoor events being run within  university clubs around the county from 24th November to 9th December. A list of who rowed and who rowed fastest will be compiled.

See the BUCS website for some more information about the dates for the events