STAGING Entries for 2017 Community Sport and Recreation Awards now open - British Rowing

Entries for 2017 Community Sport and Recreation Awards now open

Sport and Recreation Alliance are accepting entries to the 2017 Community Sport and Recreation Awards


Has your rowing club done something outstanding to help the local community in the last 12 months? The Sport and Recreation Alliance are now accepting nominations from standout grassroots organisations for the 2017 Community Sport and Recreation Awards.

The awards pay tribute to those who dedicate their time to enriching the lives of children and adults in their community, providing youngsters with a pathway from playgrounds to an active adulthood.


Clubs affiliated to British Rowing are able to enter the awards free of charge, with a prize of £1,000 awarded to the winner of each of the five categories.

The categories are:

  • Professional Community Programme of the Year
  • Added Social Value Award
  • Volunteering Award
  • Mental Health Award
  • Innovation Project Award

To find out more details about each of the categories and how to submit your nomination visit the Sport and Recreation Alliance website.

Entries must be submitted by 30 April 2017, using the online form. The winners will be announced in July.